Friday, September 30, 2005

What a way to start the day

I’ve had three good starts to the morning this week.  Two were because I got up at the dawn of crack and went to the gym before work; after 60 minutes of good physical exercise and an invigorating shower I seem to feel ready for anything!  Then this morning I came to work on the train (Eggplants at the Water Rats tonight via ANOTHER leaving do, therefore no car required), so used the opportunity to sort out my handbag (what exactly is all that stuff in there?) and indulge in the luxury of listening to music.  The bag was sorted pretty quickly (Oh, that’s what it all is!) which meant I had a good 25 minutes to lose myself in some Pat Metheny.

What is it about music? Why do some musical progressions just do something to us? When you don't know a piece or track there’s that fantastic one time thing of experiencing a lovely moment of surprise when the direction changes either tonally or rhythmically.  Then when you do know a piece there’s the equally fab feeling when you know that a particularly good modulation / musical change is coming up – you prepare for it - and wait  - and when it happens the joy, tension, wretchedness, whatever it does to you is just so thoroughly satisfying.  

When I’m listening on my lovely PocketPC (NB. new version out soon – check this out – its just too sexy for words …) I find myself smiling to myself sometimes in public places; I almost want to grab people and share it with them - of course they would think I was bonkers. (But Jools, you are bonkers), the reader cries …  When I’m performing its even better, because I’m actively involved in creating the perfect environment for the change to happen; so that the change is prepared for - so that when it happens the surprise or the expectancy is delivered to perfection.  I get to experience it as the provider and the receiver – do you see what I mean?  Possibly not ...

Sometimes wish I was good at musical analysis so I could articulate what I mean in musical terms better.  Obviously I can to certain extent - years spent training as musician etc; but I can't really hold my own with the big boys.  And anyway part of me wants to leave it mysterious, just savour the emotional effect it has on me and just lose myself in the music.  

Whatever, it’s a damn fine way to start the day.

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