Sunday, September 11, 2005


Be very still! There is an enormous spider in my bedroom!

I am sat on the bed typing this and keeping a beady eye on it to check where it moves to.  Bugger – it just moved!  Why do they have to scuttle??  I have drained my glass of water in readiness to do the brave thing and put a glass over it and put it outside like TH does, but I can’t actually bring myself to put my feet on the floor let alone get anywhere near it.  Bugger it just moved again, only now I can’t see where it went. Jeez it shifts fast.  I think it’s underneath the boots which I haven’t got round to putting back in the cupboard … (note to self – must be tidier). No! Bugger, bugger, bugger, it’s just shot under the bed.  There is absolutely no way I’m going to get any sleep now.  “Out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t work for spiders under the bed.  If it’s UNDER the bed, it could easily end up ON the bed, and if it’s ON the bed it could end up on ME.  I know this is completely irrational of me, it’s probably more scared of me than I am of it blah, blah, blah … but its going to have to go some to be more scared than me at the moment.

I’m just going to have to wait here, in the middle of the bed, until TH gets back from his gig and hope that he has a rational suggestion.  I expect he’ll just be really cross with me (I don’t blame him!) but I’m really not moving anywhere until I’ve seen it again, preferably underneath a glass being put out in the garden.  I could be here for some time …

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