Saturday, September 10, 2005

There's a hole ...

So after what felt like 10 leaving do’s jazzshark has gone …  Actually I think it was only 5 (only!) and I was at 4 of them!  It was a bit of a joke at the end – “do you think you might actually go somewhere after one of these do’s or what?”

But it’s happened now – I look forward to reading all about it on the Jazzsharking blog – and I must admit to feeling more than a little bereft.

I had great hopes of doing a farewell verse as Goose Vertica Space has impressed me of late and I felt insanely inspired to do my own sharking tribute.  Thank goodness I didn’t commit the intention to blog, because that would have meant that I really had to do it; if I say I’m going to do it in the blog then I have to do it (that’s my rule).  But I can’t!  I was always rubbish at poetry at school and in spite of chewing several virtual pencils through (of course I didn’t actually try and do it with pen and paper – that’s what a laptop is for!) I only managed an embarrassing variation on “one, two, buckle my shoe”!

The upshot is that I’ve lost the shark to new and exciting waters.  She’s made me laugh on countless occasions, she’s been a shoulder to cry on, she let me sleep in the same house as her while wearing pink lace knickers, she’s educated me in matters jazz (can I imagine my life without Pat Metheny? No!), she’s always encouraging me to sing more (I will – I promise!), she even managed to swing me a job once, she’s made me more addicted to my computer than I already was damn her! And ultimately I think she knows me better than anyone.

I miss you terribly already shark, but with any luck we’ll be back on the IM before we know it and I can just pretend you’re round the corner!

Lots of love



1 comment:

jazzshark said...

awwww shucks honey.......
shark x