Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Time, ticking away ...

There are just never enough hours in the day are there? There are so many things I HAVE to do, which I just have real trouble stacking up against the things I WANT to do. I’m much better than I used to be about making time for me and not being “all consumed” with work and domestic chores, but no matter how much I let things go, that in the past I wouldn’t have – ie. the state of the house, garden and disorganised earrings; I still have great difficulty fitting it all in.

Why is it that this work / life balance is so hard to achieve for me? I think that is something for me to ponder and explore at a deeper level … Either way its just as well that I’m an organised bird, because if I didn’t have:

  • lists of stuff to do at work,

  • lists of stuff to do at home,

  • lists of stuff to do for me

  • AND the assistance of my marvellous Pocket PC,
I don’t know how I’d manage anything except getting up, going to work and coming home again!

As it is I’m in the process of drawing up a timetable for Salsa Classes (just got leafleted the other day which was perfect timing!), the gym – gotta keep PPT happy (!), practicing my singing, going to gigs, keeping in touch with friends, applying fake tan, dying my eyelashes (still haven’t managed to do that!), spending time with TH and of course blogging! All this and I haven’t even started looking at the details I’ve had through about my intended Inca Trail Trek next year. Once I start on that it’s going to mean big time fundraising and big time training … Need a bigger Pocket PC!!!

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