Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Blast from the past - no really!

I was 'strolling' along the aisles of Tesco a couple of weeks ago (well as much as you can in a hideously busy supermarket on a Saturday morning) when I came across an "offer" at the end of an row. There was a display with 2 shelves with something called Golden Weetabix on it and at the bottom a single shelf of some stuff called Oatibix.

I looked at the picture and yes, they looked like Weetabix, I checked the ingredients and yes, they were devoid of wheat ... Could it really be possible that after all these years I could re-create my previous addictive breakfast of weetabix, smidge of muscavado sugar and ice cold milk? (NB. I use a my special creamy mix rather than milk with starch foods - don't ask ...) I've dreamed of having something similar over the years, but consoled myself with the fact that while it would never happen and just think how well I feel now I don't eat wheat. (Well apart from the odd touch of vertigo and which certainly isn't a side effect of eating wheat!)

I really didn't think it could be possible, but what the hell, I gave them a go.

Heaven ...

Now I know its been ages since I had real Weetabix so I couldn't say that they're just the same, but I don't care! They're actually just the job and 2 weeks later (24 biscuits later to be precise) I can't wait to buy another box. They're crispy, tasty, quick (which is a rare occurence with the way I eat nowadays, having to make pretty much everything from scratch) and what' more I feel full afterwards.

Breakfast heaven re-created indeed. Just have to hope I can find them on the shelves in Tesco again! :)

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