Monday, September 04, 2006

Bite the bullet

OK, so I said I wasn't intimidated by the Prince 2 mob, and I'm not; but I've realised that its time I at least studied the methodology so a) I can really recognise a client that is using it, and in some instances I suspect simply implementing it badly; b) maybe I can use some elements of it by way kicking arse at work - I know what the problems are in my parlance, but maybe if I use a few bits of Prince 2 terminology on them they might actually sit up and listen and c) it'll stand me in better stead to get another bloomin' job ...

So, I've been doing a bit of research on line and have found some free stuff I can use and some books which I'm hoping to pursuade work to buy - whilst they are "investors in people", I know it doesn't stretch to letting me do a course and get the qualification ... I guess the book will have to do for the time being.

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