Thursday, August 03, 2006

Grumpy old woman

Straight down the middle
Why is it that people feel it necessary to drive down the middle lane of a 3 lane motorway regardless of the fact that the inside lane is free? It really pisses me off. There I am in the inside lane – doing the limit. There is Mr(s) limpet, clinging tenaciously to the middle lane and I’m catching them up on the inside. Therefore, in order to avoid overtaking on the inside I have to cross right over the motorway in order to get past. If less people drove down the middle unnecessarily, ie. not for the purposes of overtaking, then there would be less people trying to insert themselves in the outside lane, ie. putting themselves in the way of people tanking it. Surely that would be safer all round?

Only a fool …
... breaks the 2 second rule. Well there are lots of them about. Why do people (a female Honda driver for the sake of argument) feel it is acceptable to tailgate me – I’m doing the limit in the outside lane of a 2 lane carriage way so I can get past a queue of lorries doing 55mph and I also have a queue of traffic in front of me meaning that even if I did want to go over 70, I can’t. Add into the mix a sudden gap on the inside lane and said Honda driver continues her mobile phone conversation, interspersed with shouting and gesticulating at me (she was obviously an octopus, as I reckon that waving hands, holding a phone and holding on to the steering wheel surely lead to a hand over allocation), overtakes on the inside, still shouting and gesticulating, and plonks herself into the safe distance previously left between me and the car in front. But hey, she managed to get a good 400 feet further down the road – made all the difference I’m sure …

When I’m awake …
I wish I could do it, but I can’t. Once I’m awake, I’m awake and my body doesn’t give a monkeys whether its 5am or not. I’ve tried (for years) to be the sort of person who can luxuriate in lying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep and generally chilling. But I can’t do it. I tried again this morning. I woke at 4.50am and lay in bed for an hour before I finally got up, but it wasn’t enjoyable. The longer I lay there the more my back started to ache and I knew that if I stayed there much longer I would get a headache – and I can’t be doing with that. So, I’ve done some well needed house keeping on the old laptop, a bit of filing and a bit of a blog. No backache or headache forthcoming, so I think it was a good move.

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