jools to do list.
- go home
- blog
- make a list
- go to bed
This is what I actually did:
- Finished up the project plan I was working on
I’m hoping that at some point I’m going to start liking my job … I hope the reason that I don’t is just because it doesn’t take care of itself yet in the way that my previous jobs did. If I concentrate hard on being fair to myself I guess I’ve only been doing it 6 months and I did join a company which is in the middle of changing direction so trying to establish any kind of order is a bit like building on quicksand. However, added to that, there has unfortunately been a whole hell of a lot else going on in my life which has meant that, unusually for me, I’ve not had my eye full on the work ball. There’s still no let up in my “life” so I guess liking the job may have to follow on at some point. In the meantime, I have to admit that I’m just “not bothered”, so staying late to catch up is something I have to do but it’s a real chore. - Wrote a shopping list
Always a tedious yet strangely satisfying job. - Did shopping on the way home
Honestly, you’d think that the shops were never going to open again … I got the last bag of carrots. They were organic – I tend to buy organic as much as I can anyway, but I knew that there were no ordinary carrots because when I was walking past where they should have been I heard a bloke inform his wife bleakly that there were no carrots left. I nonchalantly sauntered to the end of the aisle and then picked up my pace in the direction of the organic section. I could hear quickening steps behind me, so speeded up myself; the footsteps also quickened. I didn’t quite break into a run (standards!), but fortunately managed to keep ahead of the “wife” and calmly grabbed the last bag of organic carrots from the shelf – phew! At least I know that I’m now assured of good eye sight in the New Year … - Drove ‘home’
The drive was fine, it was the arriving ‘home’ and getting the shopping, work laptop, bag of tupperware (which had accumulated at work - including the pot that I took the Vodka Tomatoes in – gotta get the new company addicted to the idea of Vodka Tomatoes!) up into the flat. Note to self: when I get my next place it must either be at ground level or at the very highest 1st floor. Life is too short for doing multiple trips up the stairs with shopping (and I’m fit for goodness sake) and I just don’t have time in my life to do multiple shops during the week – it costs more (I always spot something not on my list and buy it, so if the shop only happens once a week then its less costly) and is such a waste of time … - Poured myself a glass of wine, put the radio on, and unpacked the shopping
- Looked at the state of the flat and tidied it!
- Poured myself another glass of wine
- Wrote a list of stuff that I need to do before bed:
- Sort out jewellery
For some reason it was all over the place and jumbled. (I’ve still got that single earring … Either someone hasn’t done a tidy up, or it really is lost. I’m going to hang onto it still though.
DONE THIS MORNING - Sort out make up
Because I’ve been visiting recently and this was scattered between several different overnight bags.
DONE LAST NIGHT BEFORE BED - Sort out paperwork
I’ve been meaning to do this for months.
DONE THIS MORNING. I now have a big bag of recycling. - What is all that stuff in my handbag?
DONE LAST NIGHT and is now all dry and put away. - Make lunches for next week
I know this sounds a bit anal, but I’ve got rehearsals every night next week (in preparation for our German tour) and if I don’t plan ahead and have food in the freezer that I can defrost and take with me to eat I just don’t eat … And I am acutely aware that despite my protestations to the contrary (I am a contrary bird sometimes) I have lost weight over the last 3 or 4 months.
DONE THIS MORNING - Dust and hoover flat
DONE THIS MORNING - Clean bathroom and kitchen
Have I mentioned my disturbingly pink bathroom?
Well – its now very clean as well as being very pink …
As you can see, I have done this. All from the comfort of my pink recliner … - Have a good old soak in the bath
I’m just off to do that now but have many thoughts to get into order on the whole subject of baths (pink or otherwise)!

Well, I guess that’s all for now, off for a soak with Mr Frog – it’s always good to bathe with a friend!